Basically, I made this blog for me to express my feelings and emotions with the help of writing and to unleash the "author-in-me" as well. I hope you guys will enjoy reading some of my treasures in life. :)
One day you'll meet a guy. And ultimately hes going to find out. How you chew, how you sip, how you dance, how you smell at every point in the day. The fact that the most of you're friends are shallow. How your face looks underneath all your makeup. How you love chocolates, how you can be hyper at times, how certain games and shows make you happy. how cranky you can get when your tired how you think you look bad in all your Facebook photos. He's going to know everything about you. And you know what? HE'S STILL GOING TO LOVE YOU! And I really hope you find that man SOON. Because me? I've already found mine. So, good luck! :)
BE STRONG. A phrase that is easy to say but a hard thing to do specially when you're broken. But maybe someday, you'll forget the hurt, the reason why you cried and who caused you the pain. You will finally realize that the secret of being free is not revenge, but letting things unfold in their own way and own time. After all, what matters most is not the first, but the last chapter of your life which shows how well you ran the race. So SMILE, LAUGH, FORGIVE, TRUST, BELIEVE and LOVE ALL OVER AGAIN.